3. The distribution channel differences between the two brands.
After the
analyzing the distribution channels between Nike and Under Armour, both have
unique styles of distributions. Nike’s distribution is centered on its products
through three major channels. The first channel is by selling products to
wholesalers in the United States and international markets. Sales to
wholesalers has the largest profit gain in the Nike distribution channel.
Selling to wholesalers accounts for more than 80% of the sales in the past two
fiscal years. The second channel is by direct-to-consumer sales, which includes
online sales and factory retail outlets. This style of distribution has grown
16% to 20% over the past two fiscal years. It has been the fast growing style
of distribution for Nike. Nike is has been focusing on its direct selling to
the consumer with its DTC initiative. The third style of distribution is the
sales to global brand divisions. Compared to Under Armour, Nike has a much larger
international revenue. Since 2009, Nike profits have increased every year. Key component
to this style of distribution, has been their profits in China and emerging
markets. Under Armour is also based on three styles of distribution. The style
of distribution is the expansion of in the number of whole doors, which would
include the shop in shop partnerships. This would their primary channel for
their company in the United States This accounts for more than 65% of their
company’s total sales this past year. The second distribution channel for Under
Armour is the multiple stores opening within the United States and overseas.
Under Armour has been pushing strongly to pursuing expansions, which lead to a
rapid growth with the company. Finally, has also experienced growth from their
Connected Fitness platform. Under Armour gained positive revenues in both
category and channel, company-wide. Overall both companies have continued to
grow over the past decade, but Under Armour has excelled in growth. This is mainly due to
their aggressive style of marketing, and their willingness to expand rapidly. On the other hand Nike has a strong foundation within the market, and will
continue to dominate the retail world.

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